

Filip Jakubcík (204) from the Czech Republic and Meja Örtengren (208) from Sweden are the winners of the German Boys & Girls Open 2021.


Jakubcík is in 3rd place on the second day of the tournament and wins the title on the third day with a total of 12 strokes under par (69/68/67).

Örtengren starts on the first tournament day with Isabelle Schlick on a shared 1st place. On the final day she wins the German Girls Open with a total of 208 strokes.


Due to the Covid-19 pandemic, the German Boys & Girls Open 2020 could not be held.


Luke O´Neill (205) from Ireland and Emilie Paltrinieri (209) from Italy are the winners of the German Boys and Girls Open 2019.


O´Neill who started the third day at first place won by playing a six under pair at the final day. Paltrinieri, who started the tournament as one of the favourites won with a total of 209 strokes.


Ingrid Lindblad (204) from Sweden and Charles Larcelet (207) from France are the winners of the Allianz German Boys and Girls Open 2018.


Lindblad showed a constant performance with Rounds of 68 strokes during the tournament Days. Larcelet wins in the play off with a total of 9 under pair against his opponents.


Falko Harnisch (135) from Germany and Linn Grant (134) from Sweden are the winners of the Allianz German Boys and Girls Open 2017.


In this year the tournament had to be cancelled after round two due to a thunderstorm. So Harnisch wins with a 66 on day two. Grant also played a 66 on the first day and strengthen her victory with a four under pair on day two.


Mike Toorop (136) from the Netherlands, Aline Krauter (136) from Germany and Sofie Kibsgaard (136) from Denmark are the winners in 2016.


In this year we got for the first time three winners, due to the fact that the tournament had to be cancelled after round two. The female winners are Krauter and Kibsgaard. Toorop wins with one stroke before the second place.


Thomas Rosenmüller (206) and Leonie Harm (205) both from Germany are the winners of the Allianz German Boys and Girls Open 2015.


Rosenmüller is on the first place after day two and can hold on to it by playing a two under pair on the final day. Harm plays a 66 on day three and wins by playing a total of 11 under pair.


Nicklas Mattner (205) from Germany and Virginia E. Carta (206) from Italy are the winners of the Allianz German Boys and Girls Open 2014.


Mattner can catch up 6 hits on day three and wins with 205 strokes. Carta, who was on place seven after day two, gets on the first place after playing a 66 on day three.


Dominic Foos (197) from Germany and Emily Pedersen (202) from Denmark are the winners of the Allianz German Boys and Girls Open 2013.


Foos succeeds at home, he wins for the second time with Rounds of 66. 69 and 62 Strokes. Pedersen saves her first place with 202 Strokes and five hits lead to the second place.


Karolin Lampert (207) from Germany and Dominic Foos (202) from Germany too are the winners of the Allianz German Boys and Girls Open 2012.


Lampert was on the first place already before the final day, with rounds of 66 strokes she wins in her home club. Foos wins with a course record on St. Leon (64 Strokes) and a total of 202 Strokes.


Karolin Lampert (215) and Alexander Matlari (213) both from Germany are the winners of the Allianz German Boys and Girls Open 2011.


Lampert wins in the play off with Pair against Bogey and a round of 69 strokes. Matlari putts in at hole 18 to a Birdie on home ground and wins with three under pair.


Klara Spielkova (210) from Czech Republic and Moritz Lampert (204) from Germany are the winners of the Allianz German Boys and Girls Open 2010.


Spilkova defends her title from the last year and wins in the play off with a Birdie against her opponent. Lampert wins in his home club with seven strokes lead on the second place.


Klara Spilkova (205) from Czech Republic and Martin Keskari (210) from Germany are the winners of the Allianz German Boys and Girls Open 2009.


Spielkova wins with a lead of seven strokes and closes with a round of one over Pair. Keskari, who was on second place after day two, saves his win with a Chip-In to a Birdie on the 17th Green and a total of 6 under pair.


Mariek Nivard (211) from the Netherlands and Max Krämer (209) from Germany are the winners of the Capri-Sonne German Boys and Girls Open 2008.


Nivard plays three Birdies on the final round and gets Gold with 3 under Pair. Krämer defends his title from the last year with his second round of 7 under pair and a round of 68 Strokes on the final day.


Laura A. Stempfle (298) from Germany and Nicolai Aagaard from Denmark are the winners of the Capri-Sonne German Boys and Girls Open 2007.


Stempfle starts with a Bogey but gets better than and wins with a lead of 2 Strokes. Aagaard passes from the 7 place to the first one on day three and secures his win.


Are "Ace" Friestad (206) from Norway and Caroline Masson (214) from Germany are the winners of the Capri-Sonne German Boys and Girls Open 2006.


Friestad is a clear winner after an exciting final Day with 10 Strokes under pair. Masson wins at Hole 18 with 2 under Pair at the play off and defended her titel from the last year.


Caroline Masson (220) from Germany and Allen John (215) from Germany as well are the winners of the Capri-Sonne German Boys and Girls Open 2005.


Masson secures the title from her contestants with 4 over Pair. John wins in his home club with 1 under Pair and 2 Strokes lead on the second one.


Carolin Löhr (226) from Germany and Wouter de Vries (216) from the Netherlands are the winners of the Capri-Sonne German Boys and Girls Open 2004.


Löhr saves herself the first place by playing 10 over pair after three days. De Vries can beat his contestant at the Final Tournament day and wins with a Round of 1 over Pair.

  • Hall of Fame

    Hall of Fame


    Year Champion +/-/PAR
    2019 Luke O´Neill
    2018 Charles Larcelet
    2017 Falko Hanisch
    (GER-GC Stolper Heide)
    2016 Mike Toorop
    2015 Thomas Rosenmüller
    (GER-GC M-Eichenried)
    2014 Nicklas Mattner
    (GER-GK Braunschweig)
    2013 Dominic Foos
    (GER-GC SLR)
    2012 Dominic Foos
    (GER-GC SLR)
    2011 Alexander Matlari
    (GER-GC SLR)
    2010 Moritz Lampert
    (GER-GC SLR)
    2009 Martin Keskari
    (GER-Frankfurter GC)
    2008 Max Krämer
    (GER-G&LC Haghof)
    2007 Nicolai Aagaard
    2006 Are "Ace" Friestad
    2005 Allen John
    (GER-GC SLR)
    2004 Wouter de Vries


    2019 Emilie Paltrinieri
    2018 Ingrid Lindblad
    2017 Linn Grant
    2016 A.Krauter/S.Kibsgaard
    (GER-GC Solitude/DEN)
    2015 Leonie Harm
    (GER-GC SLR)
    2014 Virginia Elena Carta
    2013 Emily Pedersen
    2012 Karolin Lampert
    2011 Karolin Lampert
    2010 Klara Spilkova
    2009 Klara Spilkova
    2008 Marieke Nivard
    2007 Laura A. Stempfle
    (GER-GC HH-Holm)
    2006 Caroline Masson
    (GER-GC Hubbelrath)
    2005 Caroline Masson
    (GER-GC Hubbelrath)
    2004 Carolin Löhr
    (GER-GC Bergisch Land)